Becoming successful is not an event. Becoming successful is a lifetime journey with hills, valleys, and plateaus.
I hate the plateaus. They are typically caused by some kind of invisible limiter. The limiter is not an outside force imposed on me, but is usually something I have personally done or am not doing. My worst limiter is me! Same goes for you. That’s why successful people are voracious readers. The average American millionaire reads at least one non-fiction book every month. Leaders are readers!
I got hooked and have been reading all I can for years to be more successful. I want you and your organization to be successful, too. If you would like a personal recommendation based on where you currently are in your journey, email me at Or pick any book here and start reading today!
Personal Growth
- Alexander, Scott — Rhinoceros Success *
- Cloud, Henry — Boundaries
- Coleman, Ken — One Question | The Proximity Principle
- Duhigg, Charles — Smarter, Better, Faster
- Gladwell, Malcolm — Blink
- Maxwell, John — The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth **
- McRaven, Admiral William H. — Make Your Bed
- Morley, Patrick — How God Makes Men
- Spall, Benjamin — My Morning Routine: How Successful People Start Every Day Inspired
- Thompson, George — Verbal Judo
- Willink, Jocko — Extreme Ownership
- Burg, Bob — The Go-Giver
- Collins, Jim — Good to Great
- Goldsmith, Marshall — What Got You Here Won’t Get You There *
- Jantsch, John — Duct Tape Marketing
- Johnson, Spencer — Who Moved My Cheese? (ML)
- Kotter, John — Our Iceberg Is Melting
- Kyne, Peter — The Go Getter (ML)
- Lenceoni, Patrick — The Advantage * | The Five Dysfunctions of a Team | The Ideal Team Player (ML)
- Michalowicz, Mike — Profit First | The Pumpkin Plan
- Miller, Donald — Building a Storybrand | Marketing Made Simple
- Ramsey, Dave — EntreLeadership *
- Sinek, Simon — Start With Why
- Ziglar, Zig — Ziglar on Selling
- The Arbinger Institute — Leadership and Self-Deception
- Carnegie, Dale — How to Win Friends and Influence People *
- Cloud, Henry — Boundaries for Leaders *
- Gordon, Jon — The Energy Bus | The Power of Positive Leadership
- Horsager, David — The Trust Edge
- Maxwell, John — The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership *
- Berry, Bob — Buying Bacon
- Cruze, Rachel — Love Your Life, Not Theirs | Smart Money, Smart Kids
- Felber, Terry — The Legend of the Monk & the Merchant
- Hogan, Chris — Everyday Millionaire | Retire Inspired
- Lapin, Daniel — Thou Shall Prosper *
- Ramsey, Dave — The Legacy Journey * | The Total Money Makeover *
- Stanley, Tom — The Millionaire Next Door * | Stop Acting Rich
- Idleman, Kyle — Not a Fan
- Lusko, Levi — Through the Eyes of a Lion *
- MacDonald, Gordon — Ordering Your Private World
- McDowell, Josh — More Than a Carpenter *
- Metaxas, Eric — Miracles
- Ortberg, John — All the Places to Go | Everybody’s Normal Till You Get to Know Them
- Strobel, Lee — The Case for Christ *
- Desjardin, Thomas — Through a Howling Wilderness
- Hildebrand, Laura — Unbroken *
- McCullough, David — 1776 | John Adams
- O’Reilly, Dugard — Killing England
- Pullen, John J. — The Twentieth Maine
- Roberts, Kenneth — Arundel (fictionalized history)
- Sara Berry — Tap Code
* Category favorites and recommended as early reads
** Recommended as your first read
(ML) Required reading for Main-Landers