we are good at what we do

What can your land support and be Environmentally responsible?

We all care about the environment. We can map your soils, hydrology, and natural resources to make sure your land is compliant with the environmental laws and regulations of your town, state, and country.


we aren't afraid of trying new things

Our environmental scientists can map your land’s capabilities and protected areas.

– Site Feasibility
– Natural Resource Mapping



-Vernal Pools

-Biological habitats

-Protected plant life

-High intensity soils mapping
– Geotechnical evaluations

– Gravel sieve analysis
– Hydrological and Geohydrological studies
– Environmental Site Assessments, Phase 1 and 2

Request a Environmental Studies Quote

Go ahead and enter your contact information. We won’t share it without your permission. Expect an email soon!

Scott Dixon Septic Design Companies Maine

“Dispose of your wastewater safely with a septic system design from Main-Land. We’ll communicate with you and get you the HHE-200 form you need quickly.”

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